Working Papers
Breaking Brand: Synergy between Physician, Pharmacist and Patient in Generic Use (with Ayame Fujimoto, Haruko Noguchi, Shiko Maruyama, and Sayaka Nakamura)
In Utero Exposure to Radiation Fear and Birth Outcome: Evidence from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident (with Yunkyu Sohn, Yichen Shen, and Haruko Noguchi)
A Revisit to the Educational Gradient in Marriage and Fertility: Causal Evidence from a Japanese Zodiac Superstition (with Senhu Wang, Yichen Shen, and Haruko Noguchi)
Does College Education Make Us Act Healthier? Evidence from a Japanese Zodiac Superstition (with Yichen Shen and Haruko Noguchi)
Tang Y., Fu R., Noguchi H. (2024). Impact of Medical Insurance Integration on Reducing Urban-Rural Health Disparity: Evidence from China. Social Science & Medicine, forthcoming.
Fu R., Le D.D. & Ibuka Y. (2024).The impact of reducing formal care benefits on caregivers’ well-being: evidence from Japan. Rev Econ Household
Fu R., Iizuka T., & Noguchi H. (2023). Long-Term Care in Japan. In K. McGarry & J. Gruber (Eds.). Long-Term Care Around the World. University of Chicago Press, forthcoming,
Sandström G., Padyab M., Noguchi H., Fu R., (2023) Convergence and persistent contrasts in the determinants of working-age women in Sweden and Japan living alone since the 1990s. Genus 79, 11
Shen Y., Fu R., and Noguchi H. (2021). COVID-19’s Lockdown and Crime: The State of Emergency under Abe Administration. Asian Economic Policy Review.
Fu R., Shen Y., and Noguchi H. (2020). The Best of Both Worlds? The Economic Effects of a Hybrid Fee-For-Service and Prospective Payment Reimbursement System. Health Economics, 30(3), 505-524.
Fu R., Noguchi H. (2019). Moral Hazard under Zero Price Policy: Evidence from Japanese Long-term Care Claims Data. The European Journal of Health Economics, 20 (6), 785-799.
Fu R., Noguchi H. (2019). How Do Cardiovascular Diseases Harm Labour Force Participation? Evidence of Nationally Representative Survey Data from Japan, a Super-Aged Society. PloS One,
Fu, R., Noguchi, H. (2018). Does the Positive Relationship between Health and Marriage Reflect Protection or Selection? Evidence from Middle-Aged and Elderly Japanese. Review of Economics of the Household, 16(4), 1003-1016.
Fu, R., Noguchi, H., Kawamura, A., Takahashi, H., Taymiya, N. (2017). Spillover Effect of Japanese Long-Term Care Insurance as an Employment Promotion Policy for Family Caregivers. Journal of Health Economics, 56, 103-112.
Fu, R., Noguchi, H., Tachikawa, H., Aiba, M., Nakamine, S., Kawamura, et. al. (2017). Relation between social network and psychological distress among middle-aged adults in Japan: Evidence from a national longitudinal survey. Social Science & Medicine, 175, 58-65.
Fu, R., Noguchi, H. Does Marriage Make Us Healthier? Inter-Country Comparative Evidence from China, Japan, and Korea. (2016). PloS one, 11(2), e0148990.
Fu, R., Noguchi, H., Suga, K. (2016). A Revisit to the Grossman Model with Endogenous Health Depreciation. Economics Bulletin, 36(4), 2405-2412.
International Conferences and Workshops
EuHEA Conference 2024, "The effect of cost-sharing on medical care demand: Insights from novel real-world data for the oldest-old in Japan," 2 July, 2024, Vienna
Ca'Foscari Seminar, "In Utero Exposure to Radiation Fear and Birth Outcome: Evidence from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident," 22 November, 2023, Venice
WEAI 2023 Annual Conference, "In Utero Exposure to Radiation Fear and Birth Outcome: Evidence from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident," July 2023, San Diego
ASSA 2023 Annual Meeting, "In Utero Exposure to Radiation Fear and Birth Outcome: Evidence from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident," 6 January 2023, New Orleans.
7th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences, "In Utero Exposure to Radiation Fear and Birth Outcome: Evidence from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident," 25 August 2022, Lindau.
EuHEA Conference 2022, "The impact of contracting formal care on informal care provision and caregiver well-being: evidence from Japan," 7 July 2022, Oslo.
European Population Conference 2022, "Convergence and persistent contrasts in the determinants of living alone among working-age women in Sweden and Japan since the 1990s," 30 June 2022, Groningen.
Irdes-Dauphine AHEPE 8th Workshop, "The impact of contracting formal care on informal care provision and caregiver well-being: evidence from Japan," 23 June 2022, Paris.
MIRAI2.0 Ageing TEG Event, "Living arrangement and healthcare utilization in aging societies: an intercountry comparison between Sweden and Japan," 8 June 2022, Online.
MIRAI 2.0 TEG Aging Workshop, "MIRAI and beyond: a successful collaboration from MIRAI 2017-2019," 28 Sep 2021, Online.
International Health Economics Association 14th World Congress, "Effects of College Education on Family Formation, Birth Weight, and Lifetime Fertility in East Asia: Evidence from a Japanese Zodiac Superstition," 14 July 2021, Online.
MIRAI 2.0 Kickoff Meeting, "The consequences of changing family behavior for the elderly: comparing Sweden and Japan," 7 October 2020, Online.
Irdes-Dauphine AHEPE 6th Workshop, "The Best of Both Worlds? The Economic Effects of a Hybrid Fee-For-Service and Prospective Payment Reimbursement System," 19 June 2020, Online.
International Health Economics Association 13th World Congress, “Hospital Responses to Prospective Payment under the Japanese Universal Healthcare System,” 15 July 2019, Basel University, Basel, Switzerland.
The 1st meeting of Asian Workshop on Econometrics and Health Economics, "Hospital Responses to Prospective Payment under the Japanese Universal Healthcare System," 9 Dec 2018, Kyoto.
The 12th European Conference on Health Economics, "Moral Hazard under Zero Price Policy: Evidence from Japanese Long-term Care Claims Data," 13 July 2018, Maastricht University, Netherlands.
Sweden-Japan MIRAI Project 2018 Aging workshop, "Health and Healthcare disparities among elderly in Sweden and Japan," 10 June 2018, Chalmers University of Technology, Gutenberg, Sweden.
Sweden-Japan MIRAI Project 2017 Aging workshop, "Does Marriage Make Us Healthier? Evidence from Japanese Elderly," 17 October 2017, Lund University, Sweden.
International Health Economics Association 12th World Congress, “Moral Hazard in the Long-term Care Market: evidence from Japanese claims data,” 13 July 2017, Boston University, Boston, USA.
International Health Economics Association 11th World Congress, “Does Marriage Make Us Healthier? Inter-country comparable evidence from China, Japan, and Korea,” 15 July 2015, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy.
Domestic Conferences and Workshops in Japan
SLAS research seminars, "In Utero Exposure to Radiation Fear and Birth Outcome: Evidence from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident," 2024年3月, 武蔵大学
AGIセミナー, "In Utero Exposure to Radiation Fear and Birth Outcome: Evidence from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident," 2023年2月, アジア成長研究所
日本経済学会2022年度秋季大会, "In Utero Exposure to Radiation Fear and Birth Outcome: Evidence from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident," 2022年10月, 慶應義塾慶大学
SIHS SEMINAR Series, "In Utero Exposure to Radiation Fear and Birth Outcome: Evidence from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident," 2022年7月, 上智大学
東京労働経済学研究会, "In Utero Exposure to Radiation Fear and Birth Outcome: Evidence from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident," 2022年7月, Online
早稲田大学産業経営研究所セミナー, "In Utero Exposure to Radiation Fear and Birth Outcome: Evidence from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident," 2022年6月, 早稲田大学
日本経済学会2022年度春季大会, "The impact of contracting formal care on informal care provision and caregiver well-being: evidence from Japan," 2022年5月, 横浜国立大学 (Online)
Keio Applied Economics Workshop, "The impact of contracting formal care on informal care provision and caregiver well-being: evidence from Japan," 2022年4月, 慶應義塾大学経済学研究所
WINPEC Research Seminar, "The impact of contracting formal care on informal care provision and caregiver well-being: evidence from Japan," 2022年2月, Online
GRIPS-UTokyo Economics of Education Workshop, "Does College Education Make Us Act Healthier? Evidence from a Japanese Zodiac Superstition," 2020年3月, Online
日本経済学会2019年度春季大会, "Hospital Responses to Prospective Payment under the Japanese Universal Healthcare System," 2019年6月, 武蔵大学
第13回応用計量経済学コンファレンス, "Hospital Responses to Prospective Payment under the Japanese Universal Healthcare System," 2018年11月, 東京大学
日本経済学会2018年度春季大会, "Moral Hazard under Zero Price Policy: Evidence from Japanese Long-term Care Claims Data," 2018年6月, 兵庫県立大学
日本経済学会2016年度秋季大会, "Spillover Effect of Japanese Long-Term Care Insurance as an Employment Promotion Policy for Caregivers," 2016年9月, 早稲田大学
日本医療経済学会第11回研究大会, "Spillover Effect of Japanese Long-Term Care Insurance as an Employment Promotion Policy for Caregivers ," 2016年9月, 早稲田大学
日本経済学会2015年度秋季大会, "Does Marriage Make Us Healthier? Inter-Country Comparative Evidence from China, Japan, and Korea," 2015年9月, 上智大学
日本医療経済学会第10回研究大会, "Does Marriage Make Us Healthier? Inter-Country Comparative Evidence from China, Japan, and Korea," 2015年9月, 京都大学
日本経済学会2015年度春季大会, "Does Marriage Make Us Healthier? Does Marriage Make Us Healthier? Evidence from Japanese Elderly," 2015年5月, 新潟大学
日本経済学会2014年度秋季大会, "Labor Migration and Intergovernmental Transfers: An Empirical Analysis of Household Registration System in China," 2014年9月, 西南学院大学
FY2022-25, Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (Principal Investigator), JSPS
FY2019-21, Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (Principal Investigator), JSPS
FY2019-21, MHLW Research Grants (Project Member), MHLW
FY2019-21, ORA, International Joint Research Program (Collaborator), JSPS
FY2017-18, Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up (Principal Investigator), JSPS
第13回応用計量経済学コンファレンス優秀論文賞, "Hospital Responses to Prospective Payment under the Japanese Universal Healthcare System"